Of course the professional photography looks amazing (left) but I am not sure this building is meant to be seen by day (right). I am not exactly saying that I do not like it....there are things I appreciate about it and things that I do not.
The overall textures that the terracotta creates are intriguing, but I was more intrigued when I thought that they were all the same unit flipped and flopped to create all of these different elements. They are, in reality, cast from different molds. It is much smaller than I thought it would be, but the main gallery is highlighted from the outside with the heavy cantilever being held up by a long but significant column.
The south end of downtown is becoming quite the cultural center. The Bechtler backs up to the Knight Theater, catty cornered is the African American Cultural Center, soon across the street will be the new Mint Museum and a few blocks away resides the one and only NASCAR Hall of Fame. These have brought some amazing architectural talent to Charlotte as well as highlighting some local talent, Mario Botta, Harvey Gantt, Clark Patterson Lee, and The office of I M Pei.
*art entry to follow